The bridal shower is over and we had such a good time. We have a very busy fun filled week ahead of us that is going to be technology free. So, instead of scheduling posts to automatically post during this week, I thought I’d direct you to some of my favorite blogs.
My friend, Kara, has a great series on cooking with different grains. She also reviews a TON of books. Her reviews are nothing like mine where I pretty much just say if I liked the book or not. She does real reviews.
On most mornings, I have coffee with Amanda Soule of SouleMama. She posts about her family, knitting, their new farm, knitting, being creative, knitting, and other things. oh, and knitting. I don’t knit but I like the posts none the less. She is also giving a glimpse of her new book tomorrow. I’ll have to wait until next week, but you can go see it tomorrow. She has also written The Creative Family and Handmade Home.
I also love Money Saving Mom. She posts alot of deals but also has DIY projects and has written about how she and her husband saved enough money to buy a house outright. Very inspirational.
There’s a new blog called Unplugged Sunday. That is all about unplugging technology occasionally and doing something else. There’s some pretty cool posts on there. It’s hosted by Heather of Beauty That Moves and her family.
I’m reading a new book, Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider , and am loving it. She writes at SimpleMom blog and I just found here blog and it looks very inspiring. I can’t wait until I have some down time to just peruse it.
I also regularly read HeartsUnhindered and not just because my husband writes it. If you need some encouragement in your walk with Christ you will definitely find some here.
I’ll be back next week, probably Tuesday with some pictures of our week, a gardening and chicken update, some crafts, and finally some homeschool plans. (Not all in one post, of course)
Have a great week!