This week hasn’t gone quite as planned. In fact I’ve just had let go of all expectations and roll with life. You see our church had VBS, or “cation bible school” as Esther calls it. For the last couple of years I’ve just hung out at VBS since Esther wasn’t old enough to participate. But she is this year and so I helped.
Our church doesn’t have it’s own building. We meet at a local performace theater downtown and our children have sunday school in the children’s museaum which is attached. So VBS is on the road. In the past we’ve had VBS at the zoo and at a historical park and at a couple of city parks. This year our theme was an airport theme and we had VBS at a training hangar at the airport! Right by the tarmac.
Here are some highlights…
The blurs are Esther and a friend. When you’re 3 and you don’t know the hand motions you can just jump up and down like a spaz for the entire son and people think your really cute… because you are. |
Here’s the training hangar. We served a meal each evening before we started under the white canopy and then we had bible study under the blue canopies. |
This is our youth intern trying to get the 3 and 4 year olds to stand in a line and then pair up. He did a great job working with them and encouraging our youth volunteers to engage with the younger kids. |
This game is called “catch the guy with the blue tail” the 3 and 4 year olds loved it. And believe it or not, the youth volunteers loved being chased by all the younger kids. |
Right before our closing worship as groups were straggling into the hangar we played with this huge globe. The idea was to not let it touch the ground. It was amazing to see kids perk up when they brought this ball out. |
We had over 100 children each night and about 50 volunteers. I loved teaching the 3 year olds. We really worked basic information. Like what the Bible is and who it is about. Why God sent his Son and that God loves us very much. We memorized a couple of Bible verses. I also had a super great youth volunteer to help me. It was an amazing week.
Here’s the rest of the story…
When I found out Sunday that most of the set up crew were men in their 60’s and 70’s, you know retired men who could get out there at 3:00 in the afternoon, I decided that we would go help also. These are the same men who helped us move. You see, I believe it’s important for my kids to know how to work. And these men know how to work. I want my kids to see that example and to get to know these men by working beside them. So many cool things have come about by my kids getting to know these men. Most importantly these men have spoken into my kids lives and encouraged them in their faith. So instead of going at 5pm we went each at at 3pm (ish).
Last night was the coolest night (as in the lowest temperature) it only just barely hit 100 degrees yesterday. Monday it hit 108…that was hot! Because of that we were tired each morning when we woke up – so the kids slept in, and drank lots of water during the day. Lots of water.
Each morning I had some random thing that needed to be done. Things such as going to a massage therapist that specializes in pain management (those are kind of hard to find) for help with my feet. Or a friend stopping by because she was in town and we love to hang out – she helped me wash dishes while our kids played, now that’s a good friend. And taking my son, who shall remain nameless, to the get his driver’s license (more than once because when you do everything right and you’re pulling into the dps parking lot and go in the “exit” they make you come back another day.)
So, that’s our week. By the way, for those of you who are sitting on pins and needles wanting to get started on the next Amazing Pillowcase Dress the tutorial will be up on Saturday. I’m sure you understand.
What about you, how was your week?
Tuesday 3rd of July 2012
This year, for the first time ever, Elizabeth attended VBS. I offered to help in the kitchen and boy oh boy was that ever fun! We, the kitchen help, visited all morning long and had a wonderful time of fellowship. I had to drive to town every day that week plus some days I drove to town twice; once in the morning and then again in the evening. After VBS was over I was exhausted, had tired feet and a sore lower back but it was so worth it. :O)
Thursday 5th of July 2012
VBS is one of the funnest weeks of our summer. But it is tiring. I'm so glad you had fun with the other ladies. Working together really helps bond a church together.
Friday 29th of June 2012
My week was ok. The kids have been in Oklahoma and Arkansas for the past 2 weeks with Heath's parents. Something they have never done before so they are being spoiled! Whis is good. This week I had to have a tooth pulled and you know how I do with dental things so it has been rough. I have also worked on school stuff. I don't know if I told you but, I am going to try and get a co-op started here in the area. We have 6 families interested. Hoping and praying that is going to be a good thing. Heath really encouraged me to start one. We will see.... I have been getting things ready for that as well. Glad you had a goo VBS. Christy
Monday 2nd of July 2012
Christy, that's so cool. Six families is a great number. That's about what we started with. I know you'll be excited to get the kids back. I'm sure they will be spoiled...that's what grandparents do.
Friday 29th of June 2012
Summer is busy. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please stop by to check it out :)
Monday 2nd of July 2012
wow, thanks Connie. I'll check it out!