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::this week::

This week, we are…

…completely immeresed in our regular outside of the house activities

…counting down the days until summer

…catching snakes in the garden (and in Mom and Dad’s bedroom…yikes!)

…reading Debt Free U and No More Dreaded Mondays  in preparation for going to college (reviews to come next week)

….learning to hang on for dear life

… memorizing lines and getting costumes ready for Drama

…praying for a dear friend who is in the hospital

…enjoying the chicks getting bigger

…having friends come over to play

…trying to make sense of the turmoil in the Middle East

…antipating the yumminess of the dewberries that are setting fruit all along our fence line

…dreaming about new spring and summer clothes to make for the girls

…reminded to be thankful for all that we have as we pray for those in Japan

….celebrating being 11

Thanks for sharing with your friends!