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Looking back and looking forward

This afternoon Carl took the kids to buy fireworks and I had a few minutes (almost) to myself. As Esther and I were washing the dishes I was overcome with a feeling of contentment. We’ve spent a lot of time with extended family this past month and I love sitting back and watching my children interact with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I love seeing my sister and her husband as they are just beginning their life together. So.Very.Sweet. And tonight we’re having our first ever cousin sleepover.

Of course, part of the contentment comes from our new home. But, for me, it’s more than just a place to live. Just a few short months ago, we were dangerously close to being homeless. It didn’t take us long in the “looking for a rent house” journey to realize that no one wants to rent a house to a family with six children. Housing is very limited here due to a recent oil find and so landlords can be more picky. During that time friends and family prayed diligently for us and offered us opportunities that ranged from spare bedrooms to campers. We are so very fortunate to have friends and family who love us and see our children as a blessing and not a burden. If we had had to stay in a hotel for all those weeks, we would not have been able to buy a house. I know we would not have this home if it were not for the generosity of God’s people.

The year 2011 will go down as the hardest year Carl and I have ever experienced and yet it will also go down as the most blessed year.

As we begin 2012, Carl and I have set some goals of things we want to accomplish. Usually when I set out to do something it is because I’m discontent with what I have or where or who I am. This year our goals feel different, they’re more like dreams than goals and they stem not from discontentment but from appreciation to the people who were so generous to us in their prayers and possessions. I’ll be posting about some of those dreams this week.

Wishing you and your family a blessed and contentment filled New Year!

Thanks for sharing with your friends!