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Last Week…

The 3 older boys went to Boy Scout Camp at Bear Creek Scout Reservation near Kerrville. They had a great time! They earned merit badges and ranks and took the state hunter’s education course.

So what did the rest of us do all week besides mope around the house missing them?

….. Phoebe had a sleepover….

Notice the quilt under all those pretty toes? That was my project for last week that I still haven’t finished. I finished the quilting yesterday and I’m planning to finish the binding today. We’ll see, my days don’t always go as planned…

…. and Benjamin had a sleepover…
The girls stayed together the entire time, which took alot of planning and discussing on their part. The boys, however, were all over the house playing with what they wanted, when they wanted and with whoever wanted to play the same thing. Very interesting….
…. absence does make the heart grow fonder!

Thanks for sharing with your friends!