I don’t get on many soap boxes here on the blog (or in real life), I’m more of a “do whatever works for you” kind of girl. If tilling your garden works for you, then till your garden. If raised beds works for you, then by all means use raised beds. If you prefer to freeze your produce instead of canning it, then freeze away. If your children go to a traditional school, you’re welcome here even though we happen to homeschool.
There just are not many things that I believe are “the” right thing for everyone.
Today, I’m going to share with you something that I believe everyone, not only can do, but should be doing. And that is helping bees and other pollinators.
Samantha from Runamuk Acres has written an ebook, How to Create Native Bee Habitat in Your Backyard, that can help you get started in helping these pollinators. There are many reasons to help pollinators including that one third of our food – fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts – is a direct result of polliators. Many of these crops are almost 100% pollinator dependent.
Here’s the deal, you don’t have to put a beehive on your property to help pollinators. Of course, beehives are pretty cool and if you can put on on your property, you should consider doing it. But pollination isn’t just about honeybees or bees in general, there are other pollinators, so if bees aren’t your thing, help the butterflies.
In How to Create Native Bee Habitat in Your Backyard, Samantha walks you through ten things anyone can do to create a pollinator habitat. These are easy and inexpensive things, too. Helping pollinators takes a little more thought than just thowing out some wildlflower seeds – although, I’ve been known to do that. I loved the “housing” ideas and after the storms we’ve had this week, some of those are on my fun to do list for the summer.
Samantha covers the basics with simple tasks that you can do and then if you want to go beyond those steps she has a great resource section in the back.
Something that I really respect about Runamuk Acres is that they are passionate about organic farming/homesteading and are passionate about teaching others. Here’s a quote from their site…
“(Our goal is to have) A combination farm and pollinator conservation and sustainable learning center. Leading by example, and sharing our knowledge and experience with the public–teaching others how to live and farm more sustainably, how they can promote pollinator and wildlife conservation on their farm or in their backyard.”
All the proceeds from this ebook go to help reach that goal. Because of this, I’ve not used any affiliate links in this post, 100% of your purchase will go to Runamuk Farms to create this conservation and sustainable learning center.
Want to buy the book? Just click here.
So, how do you help pollinators on your property?
This post is shared at Barn Hop, Mostly Homemade Mondays, Backyard Farming Connection,