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compost and giving thanks

Since we (as in I) have decided that we need to go with plan “B” on our garden and try to do some modified raised beds, we (as in I) decided that we needed more mushroom compost. I got some about a month ago. Gabriel hooked up the trailer for me and he, Benjamin and I went and got a trailer full. It all went very smoothly – I just had to be careful not to park anywhere where I would have to back up…I can pull a trailer but not back one up.

So yesterday morning I decided, on a whim, that it would be a good day to get some more. That way we can spread it and let it cool down before we use it. Phoebe, Benjamin, Esther and I left the house at 11am and returned at 9:30pm. umm, the mushroom farm is only an hour and fifteen minutes away from our house.

My first sign that something might not be right should have when the compost guy said, “Um, are your tires okay?” yeah, they’re fine.  I think, well, they might need a little air. So we go air them up and get water. My second sign should have been the trail of smoke following us. I did get out and look at it, but didn’t see anything wrong with the tire. Then, ten miles into the journey home our trailer had a blow out on one tire and the trailer was sitting so low on the other side that it ate into the other tire… that would be the smoke. While we waited for Carl I thought about the book One Thousand Gifts and so began thinking about what I could give thanks for.

  • a 10 year old boy who can play for hours on the side of the highway finding bamboo, wild flowers and dewberry brambles
  • a 2 year old who finds enjoyment hopping the seats in the 12 passanger van
  • an (almost) 12 year old who gladly helps entertain the 2 year old
  • time to spend with these three children in a way that wouldn’t happen had we been at home
  • cds of old time radio shows like Tarzan, Bob Hope and The Thin Man
  • children who enjoy those cds
  • Battleship and Rush Hour travel games – always kept in the car
  • a friend who missed a nap with her children to help me “ponder” my situation and offer suggestions of trailers we could borrow.
  • another friend who offered to come pick us up and helps me look on the brighter side of things “You probably needed to replace those tires anyway.”
  • the discovery of  Bejeweled demo game on my phone – it’s the only game on there and no one ever plays with my phone because, well, it’s a tool not a toy.
  • cell phones – I have no idea what I would have done without it – I guess we would have taken a very long hike.
  • a friend who went to pick up our raw milk and make room for 4 extra gallons of milk in her refrigerator since we would not be in town before the cut off time
  • a surprise visit from an old high school friend who lives in the area. She graciously took us to her home and fed us “lunch” at about 4pm. Can I just say that lunch never tasted so good?
  • Facebook (although I’m not a member) which has helped keep that connection
  • cheese popcorn from Tractor Supply
  • a police officer who we know from church and works in that area who gets off work early to come help us and spends 4 hours helping change tires and move compost into the borrowed trailer.
  • a huband who not only puts up with my crazy ideas but loves me anyway. I’m only suffering a little mocking about trying to haul 2000 pounds of compost on tires that clearly state a 775 pound per tire limit. (what kind of person reads the fine print on a tire???)
  • and most importantly, a Savoir who causes all things to work together for good… even when those things aren’t “good” in themselves.

What are you thankful for this Tuesday?

Thanks for sharing with your friends!


Friday 30th of March 2012

wowsers!, what an adventure, bet dan & amy cahill couldn't have managed all that in only one day...


Wednesday 14th of March 2012

Thanks for the reminder to always look for the Silver lining!


Wednesday 14th of March 2012

I bet you and the kids will sleep well tonight!


Tuesday 13th of March 2012

It's definitely an adventure you'll look back on and laugh about! What a day! :-)