One of the funnest things my children have been involved in over the last few years is a homeschool drama group. They meet once a week all year and at then end of the year put on an amazing play. The kids work really hard learning their parts and really stepping out of their comfort zone. And the directors, well… as Benjamin would say, “They Rock!” They have taught my children so much about performing, they have encouraged their creativity in their costumes and have helped them be comfortable doing things that they normally wouldn’t do.
This year they are doing spoof on Mission Impossible and one of the girls plays a lady who really doesn’t live in reality and thinks that she is going to be a ballerina one day. It is hysterical! Phoebe and I are making her costume. So what does a delusional woman who thinks she is a ballerina wear? How about a sparkly vest, a very full tutu and sparkly gloves – a different color on each hand (and just in case you’re wondering, she’s also wearing a body suit underneath, but we’re not making that).
For the vest I used McCalls pattern M5887 view A. The only thing I did different is that I didn’t understitch the lining. Instead, after I turned it all right side out, I topstitched all around it.
Here’s how to make the sparkle gloves:
- Trace your hand onto some plain paper (like you would do a child’s hand, make it a little big).
- Put two pieces of fabric right sides together and then pin the paper on top.
- Sew through the paper, right on the lines.
- Carefully tear away the paper. This is similar to paper piecing in quilting.
- Cut around the seams and then turn the the glove right side out. (you might want to try it on BEFORE you cut around the seams, just to be sure it fits)
To make a no sew tutu:
- Measure around the waist and cut a piece of 3/8″ elastic about 1-3 inches shorter than what was measured.
- Measure from waist to mid thigh, double this number and add 2 to get the length – I used 32″
- Cut pieces of 6″ tulle to the length you decided on – I used tulle that was on a spool so it was already cut 6 inches wide
- Put elastic around something sturdy – I used a 5 gallon bucket
- Fold the tulle in half lengthwise
- Fold in half to make a loop and have the ends the same length
- Put the loop under the elastic, wrap ends around elastic and put into the loop and pull through – this is a Lark’s head knot (Carl was kind enough to tell me)
- Do this about 75 times if you’re making a tutu for a teenager!
Here’s a great place to purchase all kinds of fabric at a fantastic price. (read our affiliate disclosure here)
The Schneiders
Wednesday 27th of April 2011
Thanks Jennifer! It's so fun when I see others enjoying my blog.
Wednesday 27th of April 2011
I just wanted to let you know that I have featured you on my blog. Please let me know if you wish for me to remove any content.
Thanks and love your blog
The Schneiders
Wednesday 20th of April 2011
Thanks, Christy. I don't know about being a sewing queen or anything, but we did have fun making these for Loria. I sat in on some of the rehearsal yesterday. It was sooo funny!
Esther will have one soon!
Tuesday 19th of April 2011
Angi,You did an awesome job! You are the sewing queen!! I think Esther needs one of those! Who is it for??? Christy